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namespace - XGI.Tools

Children Search works like GameObject.Find() but the user has far more control over the search results.

An example of which is demonstrated below.


Methods -

  • static GameObject[] SearchAllAmongChildren(GameObject self, string childname, bool caseSensitivity = false) => This Function performs a searchs for all the GameObjects with a specified name, among the children of a GameObject


  • static GameObject SearchAmongChildren(GameObject self, string childname, bool caseSensitivity = false) => This Function performs a searchs for a GameObject with a specified name, among the children of a GameObject


  • static GameObject[] GetChildren(GameObject self) => This Function performs a searchs for all the children of a GameObject


  • static GameObject[] SearchAllAmongLineage(GameObject self, string childname, bool caseSensitivity = false) => This Function performs a searchs for all the GameObjects with a specified name, among the lineage of a GameObject


  • static GameObject SearchAmongLineage(GameObject self, string childname, bool caseSensitivity = false) => This Function performs a searchs for a GameObject with a specified name, among the lineage of a GameObject


  • static GameObject[] GetLineage(GameObject self) => This Function performs a searchs for the lineage of a GameObject

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